
The safety, well-being, and enjoyment of every pup and its owner are our top priorities. Before embarking on a tail-wagging adventure with us, please familiarize yourself with our House Policies to ensure a paw-sitive experience for all members and guests of our vibrant community.


Should a member, dog, or visitor persist in violating House Policies after receiving an initial warning, a second warning will be issued, reinforcing the violation details and outlining the repercussions of further non-compliance, potentially resulting in an immediate and permanent ban from Hound House Toronto.

If, despite two warnings, or in the case of severe and persistent non-compliance, a member, dog, or guest(s) behaviour necessitates a permanent ban, our staff will promptly remove them from the premises and implement a permanent ban on their account. The member will be notified of this decision along with the reasoning behind it. Please be aware that no refund or partial reimbursement of membership fees will be provided for permanently banned members.


While we love all dogs and humans, we want to ensure we provide an inclusive, safe, and pleasurable environment for all our members, dogs and guests. Hound House Toronto has a three (3) strike policy until membership, daily drop-in, and guest privileges must be revoked. If Hound House Toronto determines that any member, dog or their guest(s) are not adhering to the House Policies or are making other members uncomfortable, Hound House Toronto reserves the right to immediately revoke a membership at any point without refund.


In the event of non-compliance with our House Policies by a member, dog, or visitor, our staff will issue a first warning, clearly specifying the violated policy and providing guidance on preventive measures.




• A membership or daily drop-in pass is required for your dog(s) to enter the Park and Café. All guests must check in with the concierge and sign our waiver prior to entry. A Member and their partner are allowed to be under one membership and can attend separately as a member. 

• Hound House Toronto is a canine-centred facility, however, you DO NOT need a dog to enter, but must be comfortable around them and enjoy their company!

• We welcome social dogs of all breeds, ages, and sizes who have a history of positive interactions with other dogs and people.

• Dogs must be in good health with no digestive upset or visible signs of illness before entering the House.
All dogs MUST be current on required vaccinations, free of fleas and ticks, and pass a temperament assessment (first visit).

• As much as we love holding doors for one another, we don’t love any dogs leaving the park area without their leash on. Please ensure when you are entering and exiting the Park area you are securing your dog and not letting any other pups out. This includes entering and exiting the Café as no dogs are permitted in this area of the House.

• Dogs MUST be leashed while entering the House. Please unleash at check in with the concierge and use our leash valet for a hassle-free and leash-free playtime experience.


• DPP (Distemper, Parvovirus & Parainfluenza) - 3 years
• Bordatella - 1 year
• Rabies
• Spayed/neutered if your pup is 8 months or older 
• Influenza & Lepto Shots are strongly encouraged but not required 

• We also recommend getting your Bordatella shots every 6 months if your dog(s) frequent other dog parks.


• You must remain on the premises at all times when your dog(s) is in the House, unless you have booked a doggy daycare service for them. You are responsible for yourself and your dog(s) behaviour at all times, please respect all other guests (human and canine).

• No more than three (3) dogs are allowed per member.

• Please clean up after your dog. We have a potty and sanitization station equipped with all the essentials for a quick and easy clean up.

• No outside food or drink is allowed on the premises at any time. Hound House Toronto offers complimentary filtered flat and sparkling water. You are permitted to bring food and drinks from the Café to the Park area, but please be mindful of the dogs around you when consuming.

• For the safety of our members, please refrain from bringing any outside treats or toys to the House.

• All members, dogs, and guests are expected to be respectful of other members, dogs, and staff at all times. Failure to do so will result in removal from the House and will count as a strike on your record. 

• Hound House Toronto has a strict anti-discrimination policy. Discrimination and harassment will not be tolerated under any circumstance and will lead to removal from the premises and will count as a strike.

• No solicitation may occur on the property. If you wish to promote a product, service, or event, please contact the concierge directly opportunities.

• We are a smoke-free and vape-free facility, as smoke in any form is proven to be a health risk for dogs.

• For the safety of our dog and human guests, we do not allow anyone under the age of 16 to enter the House.

• Please drink responsibly for those over the age of 19. Do not be afraid to let our staff know if you’ve had one too many and we can help with arrangements for you and your dog(s) to get home safely.


For those who hold monthly memberships, you are permitted to have two (2) human guests in the House with you at all times. This includes monthly social events, but please try to RSVP especially if you are bringing a guest so we can ensure we can service them properly. 
When attending with a guest(s), you are responsible for your guest(s) at all times. If your guest(s) are found to be in violation of any of the House Policies, it will count as a strike for the member, and in some cases immediate removal of you and your guest(s).


Membership fees are collected monthly. Once collected they are non-refundable, however, can be cancelled at any time prior to processing on the first of the following month.When attending with a guest(s), you are responsible for your guest(s) at all times. If your guest(s) are found to be in violation of any of the House Policies, it will count as a strike for the member, and in some cases immediate removal of you and your guest(s).


Still itching to ask a question?
See our FAQ page or reach out to us on our Contact page.